5th Grade General Studies
Looking ahead,students in both the third and fifth grades will learn strategies to help them develop and master their skills in Reading fluency, Reading Comprehension, Writing, Math, Science, and Social Studies. Furthermore, students will be taught organizational skills, structure and personal responsibility. Most importantly, all this is accomplished in a comfortable and supportive learning environment that will help maximize every child’s potential and foster their personal growth into a focused, confident, and caring individual.
Who said Grammar is boring???
Not at YBH! Our students actually like Grammar and believe it or not, enjoy it and learn a lot. We even make our own Mad Libs!
Every school year is an exciting one for the children of both the third and fifth grades. The students work on developing their communication skills and learn the meaning of teamwork by working together in groups building 3D models of the Eiffel Tower and the leaning Tower of Pisa in the third grade, and the Lincoln Memorial, Brooklyn Bridge and NASA space shuttle in the fifth grade. Additionally, they work on science experiments that introduce them to the fundamentals of chemistry and physics. In this interactive learning process, students are exposed to history, science and architecture in a fun and meaningful way. %th
5th Grade Hebrew
Our in-depth course of study focuses on developing foundational skills such as basic vocabulary words and shoroshim recognition. Classroom participation is enhanced by encouraging students to ask questions and provide answers.
We cover many Rashis, especially the ones that address questions that were raised by the students. Appropriate visual presentations are provided to enhance the learning.
The main topics and points of the parasha are covered in a stimulating fashion. Stories, parables and midrashim are presented in a way that the students are anxious to share with parents and family. Students are encouraged to share how the parasha is associated with daily actions in their lives. Parents appreciate the opportunity to review the parasha with their children and take pride when they see the results of the weekly parasha test.
We learn the basic text of Yehoshua and Shoftim. The psukim are mostly read by the students who give a brief summary of what they read at the end of each pasuk, providing reinforcement in their kriya skills and reading comprehension. The text provided is enhanced by beautiful footnotes which lead to stimulating classroom discussions about ethics and history from a Jewish perspective.
We begin with the first book of Mishna מסכת ברכות (masechet berachot). Students are excited to learn a masechet that covers topics that are so relevant in their daily lives such as Kriyat Shema, Tefilla and Berachot. Every Mishna is introduced with detailed sources and background in order to ensure full understanding of the material. Written work is intended to give a solid foundation in the methods of the proper learning of Talmud and analytical skills.
We cover the halachot and customs that pertain to our students’ daily lives including the laws of Shabbat and holidays. The halachot are explained in great detail with utmost clarity bringing meaning and excitement to the observance of the halachot. Children show pride in their heritage by sharing customs from their community.
Tefilla is very popular in our class. Various tunes are frequently introduced and we end our daily prayers with a short story or parable which greatly enhances the davening experience. We also have a weekly Tefilla lesson where we delve into the background and reasoning behind the beautiful words and customs of prayer.
New words and shorashim are introduced weekly and are tested accumulatively. The curriculum begins with words that are commonly found in Humash or in the Siddur. The students are encouraged to point out words in the above texts which they have already accumulated from Lashon class. The curriculum is individualized for those who need it. It is a source of pride when students who have struggled mightily in the past are able to master over 200 words and shorashim.